Lady Valuer


Lady as a front line in Valuation Professional 

Property valuer is not a common profession for women, due to the nature of job description which include on-site survey which is not ideal for women. Nevertheless, based on research, women in general possess the superior data analysis skill due to their attention to detail in nature, another essential quality for appraisers for long-term responsibility. Prospec has established the Lady Valuer project to help guide women into the appraisal career through five steps. This qualification requires at least 12 months in order to become an appraiser, and at least 18 mont​​hs before taking the certified appraisal classification examination. Personal and educational background along with previous job experience are also taken into account for each individual.

  • Job description – survey and appraise the property in the field according to the new job appraisal function.
  • Qualifications – may have previous experience in real estate, motivated to become appraiser.
  • Special conditions – obligated to work in an appraisal position for 18 months after being placed as an appraiser.

**Warning** The company cannot guarantee success for every participant. Company reserves the right to refuse the applicants who fail the test or individuals who lack commitment and responsibility.

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Independent Valuation Company Thailand

We provide property valuation services listed on the stock exchange and all banking institutions. We thrive to maintain performance standards and continually develop the property appraisal profession in Thailand to match that of the international level while upholding etical practices in which we instilled in our appraisers.

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